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Yadashthaye 1400

There are two different realms of human experience. In Persian , we call both of them experience. One is our everyday experiences, like experiencing a cold or taking a hot shower or feeling sad because of a friend's words. The other is the experience you see in the sun-burnt face of an old man from Khorasani. An experience that has lived it. We are our lived experience. I lived 1400. From now until the end of my life, I have the color of 1400 experience on me. The mark of this inhuman wound remained on my forehead until the end. All simple experiences of the first type are temporal. But the lived experience itself is the whole time. The whole time has passed us by. It is the whole life.

Yadashthaye 1400

  • Author: Mohsen Namjoo

    Publisher: Naakojaa Publishing

    200 pages

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