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Server Demirtaş - Bir Hareket Serüveni / A Journey of Movement

The book titled "Server Demirtaş: A Movement Adventure," published by Bozlu Sanat Yayınları, explores the life and artistic practice of Server Demirtaş, an extraordinary and intriguing figure in contemporary Turkish art, dating back to the 1980s. Authored by art historian Seda Yörüker, the book thoroughly examines Demirtaş's innovative works, initially crafted with PVC and later corrugated cardboard, evolving over time into kinetic sculptures. It provides a comprehensive overview of the artist's Academy years, dialogues with leading figures in the art world, and participation in significant art events of the time, offering a panorama of Turkey's contemporary art history.

Yörüker, engaging in a kind of race with Demirtaş, who constantly pursues innovation, discusses the artist's mind-boggling creative process and artworks with the following words:

"Examining Server Demirtaş's art journey from the 80s to the present requires taking into account the changing art environment during the same period. Today, in the Turkish art world where, except for encompassing book and archive studies, things have largely fallen into place, what distinguishes Demirtaş is not just his remarkable kinetic sculptures resembling robots; it's the powerful auras of these mechanical sculptures that could hunt down opponents, and the fact that he personally carries out the mechanical work for all his exhibited pieces. He possesses a rare skill, knowing the formula of movement like a mechanical engineer and blending it with artistic sensibility and aesthetic design. In other words, he creates ambitious works that combine a rare skill with a rich imagination and artistic vision. Yes, it must be emphasized that Demirtaş produces ambitious works. What desire lies behind this ambition?"

Server Demirtaş - Bir Hareket Serüveni / A Journey of Movement

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