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Suretimin Resmidir

Suretimin Resmidir: Dr. Şükrü Bozluolcay

Koleksiyonu'ndan Sanatçı Atölyeleri ve Otoportreler


The book titled "Suretimin Resmidir: Dr. Şükrü Bozluolcay Collection - Artist Studios and Self-Portraits," written by Dr. Özlem İnay Erten and Oğuz Erten, focuses on two distinctive and intriguing sections of the collection: "Artist Studios" and the widely regarded theme in art history, "Self-Portraits."

The section titled "Artist Studios" in the book covers the materials used by various artists from different generations during their artistic productions, including easels, palettes, brushes, aprons, paint tubes, etc. It aims to provide new insights into the relationship between "artist and studio" by exploring the content and thoughts of artists about the concept of the "studio." This section spans from the Ottoman period to the present day.

The chapter titled "Artist Self-Portraits" concentrates on the theme of "self-portrait," seen as both evidence of an artist's existence and a form of introspection. It delves into the desire of artists to leave a kind of "trace" as proof of how they perceive themselves and how they wish to be seen. This section, ranging from Süleyman Seyyid to Nazmi Ziya Güran, Fahrelnissa Zeid to Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu, Adnan Çoker to Burhan Uygur, Yüksel Arslan, and contemporary artists, reflects the evolution of language in this significant tradition in art history and highlights the individual stylistic differences among artists.

Suretimin Resmidir

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