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Tefrika İstanbul 001: Dolana Dolaşa

Erdem Varol's book, titled "Dolana Dolaşa," contributes with his observations while wandering through the streets of Istanbul's old and contemporary neighborhoods. The usual elements like the Bosphorus, minarets, and cats are part of Istanbul's picture, but it also unveils the painful, repulsive, and ordinary: English visitors coming for hair transplants, the last bites of chicken doner, the industrial zone, a working family's breakfast. The first part of Serial Istanbul, "Dolana Dolaşa," truly lives up to its name, portraying the city through the eyes of a resident wandering around rather than that of a visitor.

Serial Istanbul 001: Dolana Dolaşa - Erdem Varol

Year: 2021 Size: 16 × 26 cm, 56 pages Print: 500 copies

Tefrika İstanbul 001: Dolana Dolaşa

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