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Les Peintresde Larue de IéEaile

At the beginning of Hesr, we had few tools for painting, we had neither today's modern materials nor traditional tools, none. Just some 70x100 cardboard, some markers and pens, a bunch of small note paper, some pieces of copper and glass sheets, some gouache glasses, some workshop lighters and a tube of glue.
A year later, the strictures for the entry of painting materials were reduced to some extent, and gouache, watercolor, acrylic paint, brushes, and some sculpting materials, such as wax, etc., came into our hands.
In the world of painting and sculpture, the presence of two signatures in one work is not very common. The coordination of two visual and aesthetic perceptions, two types of techniques and two types of perception of the world and existence, society and history is not so easy. But the forced disconnection from the outside world and the duo's reference to the world of color, metaphor, allegory and simile, which is actually the alchemy of art, made the creativity of two people possible in one work. However, along with two-person paintings, individual paintings also continued. The narrowness and loneliness and the fluid flow of the mind, on the one hand, provide direct and indirect references to the real world outside the confinement, and on the other hand, visual hints of the works of the world's great artists, such as Reza Abbasi, Siah Qalam, Sultan Mohammad, Goya, Van Gogh, and Valishtan. He included Stein, Munch, Picasso and others in our work. Because although they fenced around our brick house, the doorless house of the mind and imagination cannot be closed with any iron or wall, and we could maintain our mental connection with the world of art and human culture.
We used to be both journalists and journalists. In Hesr, we remained journalists and journalists; The accidental events of Hesr are a newspaper full of pictures and scribbles.
Cameras and eavesdroppers everywhere in the house and in the yard, open and hidden, stole every word, every gesture and gesture from our mouths and captured our behavior, therefore, we wrote or took pictures of everything we wanted to say to each other without it reaching the ears and eyes of the undisclosed. And then we would draw a line. Thus, a series of newspapers was created. Scribble is actually a sign of our conversation with each other. Sometimes, on the small note papers, the image would be printed first, and then the writings and scribbles would come. Sometimes he wrote it first and then added the lines and pictures. Finally, we collaged them on cardboard. These scribbles are the description of our situation or our analysis of the conditions of Iran and the world.
In the entire year of 2010, we were only able to produce one newspaper, and in the following years, the rest of the issues and the two-man and one-man works were gradually created.
We should honestly and without believing in the death of the author and with respect for the death of the author and with respect and belief in the reception of the audience, leave the aesthetic perception and semantic interpretation to the viewers. May they link our limited effort to their national and global efforts.

Les Peintresde Larue de IéEaile

  • The creators of the work: Zahra Rahnavard - Mirhossein Mousavi

    Publisher: Naakojaa Publishing

    Number of pages: 140 color pages with hardcover

    Art book

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